Pippin Prep
DNA Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing (100bp – 1.5kb)
The PippinPrep system facilitates library construction for the most popular NGS platforms, and is recommended by Illumina and Ion Torrent for certain workflows. The platform features the ability to collect narrow and even fragment distributions, as well as the flexibility to collect wide ranges of fragments with minimal effort. Target sizes or ranges of sizes are entered in software, and fractions are collected in buffer. Up to 5 samples per gel cassette may be run, with no possibility of cross contamination.
Unlike any other method, automated DNA size selection allows users to select the optimal median fragment size, or adjust the base-pair range of selection. For any NGS platform, and particularly for multi-platform labs, the Pippin system’s flexibility streamlines workflows and improves data quality.
Following the PCR, smaller DNA fragments will preferentially copy when amplified. This can create bias during clustering or emulsion preps. The presence of larger fragments can also lead to sequencing inefficiencies. Bead-based size selection produces a signicantly wider size distribution than Pippin. The product yield with beads is lower than Pippin, and the fragment range is not easily optimized.
The PipinPrep system provides flexible and versatile measure for the selection of DNA fragments using Tight (Narrowest fragment range based on a target size) and/or Range (Set with start and end base pair values) size selection protocols. Using a PippinPrep system, unwanted artifacts can be removed from microRNA, Paired-end Sequencing, RNA-seq, ddRAD-seq and/or ChIP-seq libraries using a range setting.
- Electrophoresis voltage: 100V or 150V constant
- Optical detection: 535 nm excitation | 640 nm emission
- Power requirements: 100-240 VAC, 2.5 A, 50-60 Hz
- Weight: 15 lbs / 7 kg
- Dimensions: 7h x 11w x 21d (in) | 18h x 28w x 53 d (cm)
- The Pippin Prep instrument includes a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. A CPU is built-in, an external PC is not required.
- Paired-end sequencing
- emPCR
- RNA-seq
- ChIP-seq
- PippinPrep Software; inbuilt and supplied alongwith the instrument; easier to upgrade with latest versions freely available on Sage sciences website time to time.